Thursday, February 28, 2013

                                                                     Cyber War

This article is about how other countrys have the power to hack into are information and do things to it taht we wouldnt want them to do. They could get into septa make trains crash into eachother and make an huge fire that will kill a lot of people. They could put virus into are computers to scare many people. In the article it says "President Obmama decided to accelerate computer attacks on Iran's main nuclear." also get into are bank and take people money. Once they hacked into everyone computer and had a picture of the american flag burning. The they was hit with was called "Flame". In the article it also say "You dont have to be sophisticated to do a lot of damage." I think that we should do something to them before they come back and do something crazy to us. I alos think that we should never get on there bad side so they wont have to do nothing crazy to us and why also do they have so much of are information.

Friday, February 22, 2013

This article is about how every year people been seperated by marrige, love and sex. Every year nobody really has an couple because people relationships does not last. Now a days people do not stay togethere because they get married at young ages and dont no better. Back in the day they cold keep marrige because they was more muture. I think people should wait till they are really ready for marriage to get married so until then they marriage would be better and last long.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Malika Abd-Hadi
                                                                        Babysitter in a Bind
This article is about how parents leave they're kids with you and they have a cold. The student is mad that the mother of this child did not warn her about the health her child was in. The student father told her she shouldve left. The student says her dad is not right because you shouldn't leave this mother in lurch even though she didn't warn the student. I feel that even if she didn't warn her she still is nice enough to watch the mother child. I wouldn't of watched the child if i wasn't getting paid because every time i watch my little cousins or nephews they mother pays me. I wouldn't just up and leave the child if she/he was ill i would just tell they parent i could not watch her or his child because i do not want to get sick.