Wednesday, November 28, 2012

                                                          Should 16 year olds drive

                        In the article should 16 year olds drive is about how 16 year olds should not be driving only because highway safety and insurance institute.I think teens should be able to drive at 16 because there old enough to take their selfs places and but then again there not they mite try to take advanted and break the rules by trying to stay out pass curfew leave the house when they fill like they parents are getting on there nerves. And if you are mad one day they mite take it out on the car and go driving to fast and get in a car accident. Cops probally woulod try to take advanted of them and try to pull them over alot becuase they know that there very young.

                                                       Google wants to read your mind

In the article google wants to read your mind is about how if you are logged into google it can read what you are thinking even before you type it in to get your answer. If you were in the market it can tell you how many people are in front of you in line. I think its a good idea because you dont have to take your time typing up something it just pop up on your screen. Then i think it is not a good idea because it knows every thing your thinking. If somebody is next to you and they are looking in your phone and your thinking bad about them they can see it. Thats what i think about google wants to read your mind.

Friday, November 16, 2012


                                              Yay! Boo! So? Reactions to Obama win vary
                                                                    By Peter Mucha
In the store Yay! Boo! So? Reactions to Obama win vary is about how some people think Obama should have won or Mitt Romney should have won the election . Some people think if Mitt Romney had one the economy would be much better. Some people think obama ran a better campaign . I think Obama should have been elected not because im African American but because im against how Mitt Romney was trying to to cut off food stamps and give people "jobs" "but alo't of people have "jobs" and still need food stamps" to help them aply food in there houses . And i didnt like the fact hoe Mitt Romney Tryed to stop abortions and people need abortions just in cast if they got rapped or if it was an accident .

Friday, November 9, 2012

                                       .     Will Climate Change Get Some Respect Now
                                       Nicholas D. Kristof , Columnist , The New York Times

The passage "will climate change get some respect now" is mostly about how the presidents do not talk about the climate . Year after year the weather is getting worst cording to the computers , The presdents should be warning the community more about huarricanes , tarnados . It seemed to be that the presidents was only talking about sandy . There are not really anything you can do because its nature . As a comminty we could help with cleaner energy . We could curb on greenhouses gases or cabon tax . If we had a stronger FEMA it could probaly help better with the climate .

Thursday, October 25, 2012

                                         Attention Disorder or not pills to help in school
                                                                   Alan Schwarz  

In the article the national study finds a "medicine" for kids that do not know how to funksion in school/class
right . The medicine is to be able to help the kids calm down in class if they are to hyper active and that private schools can easily get rid of the late kids . I think the topic is basickly about helping kids do better in school . But i think it is kind if an bad idea giving kids oills to funksion the kids shouldnt have to be drug to listen . I think its gonna make ore damage into the child's head .I once had a bad headache and i thought it was gonna help me , but it turned out to make me get a bigger headache .The article made me think that people dont really care they just want us to be good at all times . The article made me think do they wanna give me a pill because i cant sit steal in class .

Monday, October 15, 2012

Texting may be taking a toll

                                                       Texting May Be Taking A Toll
                                                              By:KATIE HAFNER

Texting can be a problem with teens now a days because kids are losing sleep more and more , Kids also start to give you cramps in ya thumbs for texting to much . In the article texting may be taking a toll , The main idea of this is texting can destract kids from getting work done and how it has increased and brung students grades down . Kids are not independ . I think the topic is a good one because kids grades are dropping because of there phones and the "Texting" I think theres nothing wrong with kids getting there phones token from there parents becuase soon as there phones get toke there grades go up so i think thats an great idea but i wouold not want that to happen to me thoe . Before i read the article i thought it was gonna be about how its just bad for kids to text . Foreal foreal it was great as i read it . The article end up being better than what i thought it was gonna be . I think the topic was important because it shouldve taught kids an leson about texting alot and after a certain time of the night . I realy think that parents should put a limit on the phone with out the child knowing so at night when the child trys to text or call somebody they cant receive it .

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Kids Cheating in school

Kids cheating in school !

Kids that cheats obviously think ok do that . I think kids cheat more than back in the day because the 
work is harder and teachers expect the kids to know it all . And another reason is because the teachers accepts it now a days . Cheating is also different now a days because kids have access to the computer . I think cheating is not a bad thing because its not considered just copying the answers , but you can just ask for help from a friend or someone thats next to you . Thats my personal opinion of this topic . Kids Cheating In School . !