Friday, April 26, 2013

Fire at Penn Wood High School

On April 18th there were a small fire in a couple of rooms and in the lobby of Penn Wood High School. There were threats sent out to the school saying there going to bomb it . There were many problems like water damage and smoke damage. 11th and 12th graders are very upset because its messing up there prom and graduation time. Kids were upset because they have trips that was coming up and texts are coming up in may now that has been canceled or pushed back.

Friday, April 19, 2013

North Korea War Part 2

This article is mostly about how North Korea keep on making threats to the USA to "scare" us or they just all about talk nobody think there really going to do anything their only trying to do big and better things because they have a new leader and they want people to think he is the best.

Monday, April 8, 2013

This article Time for a Raise is about how president Obama wants to raise the prices up on people that work for businesses. The prices will go from $7.25 to $9. Some people has an problem with it some people wants that to happen. Some people think if he raise the prices less people will get hired more people would get fired because its to much money to give out.Some positions will get an raise and the other positions on the job would be like how come we didn't get one. Some people are with that idea because it will help low-income families pay more bills put food in the house and more money makes more spending.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The article Slaughter of the African Elephants is about how in different country's ivory is the new thing out and its very expensive. People that really don't have money if they see an elephant they will chop there head off just to get there ivory. Some people want to do things to stop the killing of this animal some things they could do is crack down on poaching, follow the money trail, and people should stop buying ivory. A reason they shouldn't kill elephants for they ivory because they babies would die slow of hunger because they need there mother milk.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

In this article Sister In Arms is about how females could not be in the army because people did not think they had what it takes to be strong like men to carry heavy book bags walking a couple miles. People did not think women have mentality. They also thought women would die and they would have lost public support anymore. I think that was not fair to women because they should be able to fight for the world as men do. Women has the equality to fight like men do so I'm not against because there are women out there that are stronger then men and that can do more then some men can do. I think it's fair that they started to let women be in the army.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Jonesing For Braces is about how a lot of people need braces because the things that is in there food and drinks. People are saying that braces is a new trend around young people. Some people really want braces so they try to make fake ones. I don't know why it's the new thing out. People that don't even need them want's them. Braces is a new trend thats out. a long time ago people use to say braces were for geeks now every body are trying to have them. I don't think theres nothing wrong with braces but its just funny how a while ago people were talking bad about them now everybody wants them.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

                                                                     Cyber War

This article is about how other countrys have the power to hack into are information and do things to it taht we wouldnt want them to do. They could get into septa make trains crash into eachother and make an huge fire that will kill a lot of people. They could put virus into are computers to scare many people. In the article it says "President Obmama decided to accelerate computer attacks on Iran's main nuclear." also get into are bank and take people money. Once they hacked into everyone computer and had a picture of the american flag burning. The they was hit with was called "Flame". In the article it also say "You dont have to be sophisticated to do a lot of damage." I think that we should do something to them before they come back and do something crazy to us. I alos think that we should never get on there bad side so they wont have to do nothing crazy to us and why also do they have so much of are information.